****NOTE: CORRECTION HAS BEEN ADDED TO THE STITCH PATTERN. (that will teach me to take bad notes as I knit!****
I spent some time going over my working notes for the Ostrich Fantasy Sock, and am now ready to share the pattern with you.
The stitch pattern, even though complex looking, is actually quite simple. It is repetitive, but not boring. I knit my socks on circular needles, but will add directions for the pattern to be worked on dpts. So if you've knit plain socks and feel comfortable, this a great pattern!
Ostrich Fantasy Sock
Fleece Artist , Merino 2/6 in Ruby Red, dpts or circulars in US1
Gauge: over stockinette 8st/inch
(Note that two sizes are provided a small and a medium (between parenthesis). The small fits a petite person, with ankle circumference at the joint under 8 inches, and the other number ankles at about 9 inches. If you are in between, I recommend the larger size as lace is tighter than the traditional stockinette, If you require a larger or a smaller size find a smaller or a larger multiple of 16 and add 1. You will cast on the multiple of 16, and add the extra stitch right after the rib section.)
Ostrich Feather stitch pattern (adapted to circular knitting from a Barbara Walker stitch):
R1-R3: Knit
R4: (K1, YO) 3 times, *(SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1, P2SSO (pass 2 slipped stitches over the knit stitch), (K2tog) 2 times, (YO, K1) 5 times, YO*. Repeat from * to*. End (SSK) 2 times , Sl2, K1, P2SSO, k2tog twice, (Yo, K1) 3 times
R5-R7: Knit
R8:(K1, YO) 3 times, *(SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1, P2SSO (pass 2 slipped stitches over the knit stitch), (K2tog) 2 times, (YO, K1) 5 times, YO*. Repeat from * to*. End (SSK) 2 times (, Sl2, K1, P2SSO, k2tog twice, (Yo, K1) 3 times
R9-11: Knit
R12: (K1, YO) 3 times, *(SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1, P2SSO (pass 2 slipped stitches over the knit stitch), (K2tog) 2 times, (YO, K1) 5 times, YO*. Repeat from * to*. End SSK (2 times), Sl2, K1, P2SSO, k2tog twice, (Yo, K1) 3 times
R13-15: Knit
R16: (K1, YO) 3 times, *(SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1, P2SSO (pass 2 slipped stitches over the knit stitch), (K2tog) 2 times, (YO, K1) 5 times, YO*. Repeat from * to*. End SSK (2 times), Sl2, K1, P2SSO, k2tog twice, (Yo, K1) 3 times
R17-19: Knit
R20: (K2tog) 3 times, *(YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1,P2SSO, (K2tog) 2 times*. Repeat from * to *. End (YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 3 times.
R21-23: Knit
R24: (K2tog) 3 times, *(YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1,P2SSO, (K2tog) 2 times*. Repeat from * to *. End (YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 3 times.
R25-27: Knit
R28: (K2tog) 3 times, *(YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1,P2SSO, (K2tog) 2 times*. Repeat from * to *. End (YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 3 times.
R29-31: Knit
R32: (K2tog) 3 times, *(YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 2 times, SL2, K1,P2SSO, (K2tog) 2 times*. Repeat from * to *. End (YO, K1) 5 times, YO, (SSK) 3 times.
CUFF: Cast on 64 (80) stitches. Divide the stitches into 2 equal groups for circulars needles, or 16, 16,32 (20,20,40), for 4dpts, or for 5spts 16 (20) on each needle. Join round and knit in K2 P2 rib for 1 1/2".
LEG; In the first round after the ribbed cuff, increase 1 stitch to have 65 (81) stitches. (This only happens once, in the first round. After that just follow the stitch pattern knitting on 65(81) stitches. Repeat rounds 1-32 2 times (64 rows).
HEEL FLAP: You will continue the pattern on 33 (41) instep stitches,and knit the heel flap on 32(40) stitches. Knit row 1 of stitch pattern on the first 32 stitches, and take the 33rd stitch from the other needle. Knit the heel flap on the remaining 32 stitches. R1: (SL 1, K1) Repeat until end of row
R2: SL 1, purl until end of row
Reapeat R1 and R2 unti heel flap is a little shorter than it is wide.
R1: SL 1, knit 16 (20) stitches, SSK, K1 turn
R2: SL 1, purl 4, p2tog, P1, turn
R3: SL 1, knit to one stich of gap, SSK, K1, turn
R4: SL 1, purl to one stitch of gap, P2tog, turn
Repeat rows 3 and 4 until all stitches are worked.
Knit one row.
For Circulars:Pick up and knit 1 stitch of every single slipped stitch on the side of the heel flap. Pick up one stitch at the intersection of the heel flap and instep. Knit 1/2 of the instep stiches following row 2 on the stitch pattern. For circulars: Put both needles to rest, and transfer 1/2 of the heel stitches from one needle to the other. Go back to your working yarn,and with needle with open gap on the heel flap, knit the remaining instep stitches following row 2 of the stitch pattern. PLace marker. Pick up one stitch at the intersection of the intep and heel flap, pick up one stitch for every slipped stitch along heel flap, knit 1/2 of the heel stitches. The beginning of your round should be at the center of the heel. Count your stitches. You should have equal amounts on each needle if you are using circulars.
For dpts: With needle#1 Pick up and knit 1 stitch for every slipped stitch along heel flap, one stich at intersection of heel flap and instep, with needle #2 knit instepo stitches following pattern, or if using 5 dpts, split the instep stitches over needle #2 and needle# 3, with needle 4, pick 1 stitch at intersection of instep and heel flap, pick up and knit 1 stitch foir every slipped stitch, knit half of the heel stitches. Decreases will happen at the end of needle #1, and at the beginning of needle #3 if you are using 4 dpts. If you are using 5 dpts, needle #1 carries heel and heel flap stitches, instep stitches are divided over needles 2 and 3, and needle 4 carries the other heel flap and heel stitches.
Knit to 2 stitches of the first marker for circulars or end of needle #1 if using dpts, K2tog, Slip marker. Knit in pattern until next marker, slip marker, K2tog, knit to end for circulars. For dpts, knit in pattern for the instep stitches, and decrease at the beginning of the last dpt.
Note: the instep stiches will follow the stitch pattern at all times. You will be doing gusset decreases on even rows of the pattern.
R1: Knit to 3 stitches of first marker or end of needle, K2tog, K1, (slip marker for circulars only). Knit instep stiches , (slip second marker for circulars only), (beginning of needle #3 or #4 for dpts) K1, SSK, knit to end.
R2: Knit even.
Repeat rows 1 and 2 until you are back to your original number of stitches (65 or 81).
FOOT: While keeping the stitch pattern going on the top of the foot, and knitting in stockinette for the sole,knit the foot until when trying the sock on, it is 1 1/2 inches away from the tip of your longest toe.
TOE DECREASES: Knit both top and bottom of toe in stockinette stitch.
For circulars:
R1: Knit to 3 stitches of first marker, K2tog, K1, slip marker, K1, SSK, knit to 3 stitches of next marker, K1, SSK, knit to end of round.
R2: Knit even.
Repeat round 1 and 2 for one inch, then repeat round 1 for every round until you have 8 stitches left on one needle, and 9 on the other.
Rearrange the stitches: K2, K2tog, K1 (that takes care of the extra stitch), slip next 4 stitches to other needle, K8, slip next 4 stitches to other needle. You may remove the marker. Your sock should not be in profile any more, but rather face you. Close toes using Kitchener stitch.
For 4 dpts: knit stiches on needle #1, renumber needles. Instep is on needle 1, and sole stitches are split on needle #2 and #3.
R1: needle #1: K1, SSK, knit to last 3 sts, K2tog, K1. Needle # 2: K1 SSk, knit to end. Needle #3 knit to last 3 stitches, K2tog, K1.
R2 knit.
Continue for 1 inch repesting R1 and R2, then decrease every round. Take care of the extra stitch by repeat a decrease in the appropriate location while knitting an extra round. Place stitches on 2 needles and close toe using kitchener stitch.
For 5dpts: knit stitches on needle 1. Beginnning of round has changed. Renumber needles. Instep is now on needles #1 and 2, and sole stitches on 3 an4.
R1: Needle #1: K1, SSK, knit to end. Needle #2: Knit to last 3 stitches, K2tog, K1. Needle #3: K1, SSK, knit to end. Needle #4: Knit to last 3 stitches, K2tog, K1.
R2: Knit. Proceed as for 4dpts.
Pattern designed by Caroline Dlugy-Hegwer inspired by a Barbara Walker stitch.
Copyright Caroline Dlugy-Hegwer, 2007.
Pattern is for personal use only, and cannot be reproduced for commercial purposes.