I doubt I will achieve all my 2003 fiber goals (I may not even START Kashmir since it is last on the list of sweaters to do) but setting goals does seem to spur me on to finish more stuff.
I don't have too many items I've both spun and knit but here is one. It is the "Colorful Kin Cap" from an old issue of Interweave Knits. I found the four colors of dyed Australian wool as roving in my LYS, Village Wools (one of the BEST LYS's there is!). I spun it into a 2 ply yarn. The hat is for DH but it has inspired many people to ask for a hat of their own. I made one other but in commercial yarn. I'm not sure the colors are coming out as brilliantly as they do in real life but I really like them. Normally I am not too capable at choosing lots of colors to go together and I ask DH to do it. My knitting friend Jeanette is excellent at choosing colors and I should ask her advice more often.