I seem to be blocked on the rabbit knitting. I'm going to send them what I have at the end of the month and then take some time off. Okay I'm already taking time off. I could keep pumping out the bunnies & carrots hats but I get the sense they want different stuff. I'll see what they say when I send the two more hats I have.
I've been trying to put it off but I have a serious and full-blown case of knitting ennui. I just can't stand hot weather (and I live in the desert!) and summer sucks the life out of me. It seems like it is getting a bit cooler but I cannot wait until fall is here and I get re-energized.
Santa Fe is full of fun little courtyards and tucked away shops. This courtyard is near the Shed, a very popular inexpensive lunch spot. Apparently our governor took some Korean diplomats there a few months ago for what the newspapers call "green chile diplomacy."