On the Japanese pattern online the pattern does not match up once you get to the fingers. There are two different alternating diamond patterns and the fingers have three diamonds so the fingers will have two of the same type of diamonds next to each other. I don't think it is terribly noticeable though.
I know there was some confusion on the way I did the thumb on a Japanese knitting blog HERE but I couldn't get the web site translated well enough by Babel Fish to figure out their confusion. If anyone reading this also knows how to read Japanese let me know. I'd love to be able to answer their questions. I believe I did the thumb the way the pattern stated - I started the salt and pepper/lice gusset for the thumb immediately when the main Duke pattern started. Sheila is also knitting some Sanquhar gloves and has a photo of her progress.
Here's the Sheep to Shawl demo at the Taos Wool Festival.
I'm having trouble loading my blog at all so I'll contact Blogger and limit photos until then.