Still, I think the book is very valuable reading. It has helped me understand myself and my introvert DH. Now I know why I can go and be bubbly and outgoing at a party but crash afterwards. The book also has a good section on parenting introvert children. HERE's a review of the book which talks about parenting and teaching introverts. HERE's a question and answer section with the author. HERE's another review of the book that has some of the same concerns I had about the book.
Donna sent me THIS link to a good blog entry, "An Extrovert Speaks (Quelle Surprise!)" - it is a response to the Rauch Atlantic article on introverts.
Now I'm off to organize the stash. Patterns seem to be multiplying everywhere, I can't even find the PW sock book I wanted to give away, and all the yarn seems to be escaping the yarn closet. Jack the cat and Peaches the rabbit will supervise me.