I just ordered a book called Style Your Own Kid's Knits and a bunch more Dover charted needlework design books for inspiration from Amazon. DH will be home on vacation next week and I'm planning a few more mindless projects. First I'd like to design a chullo type hat for my friend Brad. I want to finish the second dancing violet sock (the first should be finished so I can show it to you tomorrow). I want to knit some worsted weight ribbed hiking socks for DH.
And I want to do another self-fringing Spontaneous Scarf with these bits and pieces of various yarns died with Easter egg dyes. (A Spontaneous Scarf, from a recent issue of Spin-Off, is knit lengthwise in seed stitch with a different yarn each row. The seed stitch gives it a woven look and you leave about 8 inches of yarn at the beginning and end of the rows to be knotted for fringe.)