Peaches was shedding a bit on her back last week so the top skein of 2-ply yarn is from her. Isn't it a nice color? Her fur is about 1 1/4" long and I spun it with my Bosworth purpleheart spindle. I plan to add it to a scarf made for the rabbit rescuer who fostered her for a year. I can't wait until she starts shedding again so I can make some mittens for myself out of her fur.
There is also a little I-cord bow and some sample yarn spun from my short-haired cat Jack. His fur is about 1" long. The white bell pattern is from the VIP Fibers pattern HERE. I've mentioned VIP Fibers here before - they custom spin any pet's fur. The yarn for the bell is a single ply yarn spun from Bosco my Himalayan cat. These little bells are a wonderful way to remember a pet and I plan to make more bells soon.
And here is a close-up of a plain stockinette stitch scarf made from a mixed pet fur yarn. I carded black Persian cat fur with white/flame point Himalayan cat fur.
I'm not a good spinner at all so if I can make something serviceable from yarn from long hair and short hair pets anyone can.