I'd normally quit knitting on a project I found ugly but I couldn't come up with anything else simple enough to work on during the ALCS. Now we have the World Series and I just know if I start a project with a complicated chart the minute I look away Manny Ramirez will start doing somersaults in the outfield or Curt Schilling will start hemorrhaging. So the rest of the week I'm going to be spinning my pretty blue Romney and then making a pair of socks with them for the last project of Socktober. After that I plan to work for a long time with size 0 dpns and my wonderful stash of Shetland wool.
Go check out Chery's gorgeous Dale of Norway sweater! It seems like she can turn out one of these babies in about a month. Also check out a new knitting blog with some delicious-sounding cake recipes and the world's cutest knit hat model.
Apparently Peaches isn't the only bad house rabbit in the blog world this week. Go check out what Miss Baxter did to a perfectly innocent computer mouse.