I have a ton of books out from the library on making your own nontoxic, herbal cleaning products and I need to get busy on that project. House rabbits have changed the way I clean house because there are some products that can harm them. Making my own makes a lot of sense and should be fun. I really am a closet soapmaker but I have to abstain because I'm much too klutzy to work with lye.
My most exciting news is that we're joining a CSA (community-supported agriculture). In a CSA you get a weekly share of local organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. It will change the way I cook because I'll have to be more creative to find ways to use veggies I don't normally buy.
I may start a new vintage project before finishing the gloves. Aren't these cute? The pattern is from McCall's Needlework & Crafts, Dec. 88 issue and I may start with the mittens.