The hostess had a really neat set-up for her rabbits. She has around 30 rabbits in permanent sanctuary from the Hayward, CA cruelty case. They have their own room with painted concrete floors, lots of dog beds and litter boxes and toys, and some low shelving around the room that the rabbits like to jump up on. They also have an adjoining outdoor courtyard (completely protected/surrounded by the house, with shade) to romp in. I don't think I've ever seen that many rabbits in one place before and I was amazed they were living in harmony.
There were also rabbits hopping about the rest of the house mingling with dogs and cats and greeting the party guests. She had one terribly popular 4-week old baby bunny she was bottle-feeding for her vet. Her house was beautiful and she had some neat collections of rabbit art and an antique rabbit tureen collection.
Tomorrow I'll have more fiber farm photos. In the meantime, here's your favorite super-sized rabbit eating some endive.