Best Friends and rabbit rescuer extraordinaire Debby Widolf (I adopted Peaches from her) are now involved in a case in a woman's backyard in Nevada where a thousand rabbits are in need of rescue. Yes, that's right - a thousand! Fortunately most of the rabbits are healthy but there will still be massive expenses for spay/neuter, housing, etc. Here's a photo of some of the rabbits and Debby (the blonde) holding some of the rabbits in need.
Debby is in Nevada now dealing with all this and Best Friends estimates this will take them at least four months to deal with. They are seeking donations and other assistance - more info on what you can do is HERE.
I've already donated some money and I'm going to give half of the money made from the proceeds from all sales of knitting pattern booklets at the Lulu store to Best Friends to deal with this situation. The other half will continue to go to Colorado HRS (where I met Debby and adopted several rabbits).
I better go get busy doing another pattern booklet to sell! It will have the mittens and hat shown earlier this week along with a pair of socks I need to finish.