Does anyone out there know what this mystery cast on is called? Initially I thought it was the Guernsey cast on but the instructions seem different in Vogue Knitting. I traded away my Montse Stanley book which has the most cast ons but I may have to break down and buy it again.
In "Gloves from Handspun: Totally Tubular" in the Winter 1996 issue of Spin-Off Jude Daurelle says the reason some knitters get holes between the fingers of their gloves is because the backwards loop cast on is normally used to cast on stitches in the middle of the row. She suggests the cast on shown above instead.
Here are the directions: 1. Holding the yarn in back of the work, insert the left hand needle into the front of the last stitch on the right hand needle (directly down the loop). Yarn over right hand needle and draw up a new loop, but do not lift the old loop off the left hand needle. 2. Bring the point of the right hand needle down in front of the left hand needle and enter the loop (still on the left hand needle) from underneath, to the rear. Yarn over the right needle and pull a new stitch from rear to front while pulling down through the left loop. Pull the yarn slightly to tighten the tension. One new stitch is now cast on.
Any ideas???