The specific booklet this pattern came from is called Nordic Small Knitting and had by far the best, most-detailed glove charts I've ever encountered. You can see a photo of the gloves from the book on the bottom left at that link.

The big news in the knitting world is that Alice Starmore's Book of Fair Isle Knitting is going to be reprinted by Dover this August. Previously you had to take out a second mortgage to afford the out-of-print price. HERE is a photo of the new cover and this is the old cover.

I personally feel the Starmore book is the best color knitting book available and I don't even really like Fair Isle design that much. Alice Starmore has the best color skills I've ever seen. The book includes a photographic history of Fair Isle knitting, a few patterns, lots of great technique info (she is a proponent of the two-handed color knitting method) including photos and info on different types of steeks, and many charts so you can design your own projects. Where this book
really shines is in the rather long section where she talks about color. She takes photographs and replicates the colors in knitted Fair Isle swatches. She has two knitted swatches that are inspired by photos of cars! Who does that!!!???
Everyone who knits with two colors per row should have this book. I'm wondering if the Dover reprint will include the section of photographs and her knitted interpretations. My other two Dover reprints - the Sheila McGregor books on Fair Isle and Scandinavian Knitting - only have 4 color pages in the center of the books and some color photos on the cover. Looking at the book's page HERE it says color photos and shows everything in color. Plus the book is higher-priced than the McGregor books so I really hope they reprint the book completely in color. Anyway the reprint is great news for the world of knitting.