Is Spring Here Yet

I am a patient person, but now I have had it with the cold. The official beginning of spring came, and went, but the temperatures remained bitterly cold. Looking out the window one could definitely have been fooled, with the shining sun, the blue sky and the singing birds. As a matter of fact I got fooled. I opened the door to go for my early morning walk...I took a breath, and I went right back in to get my gloves, my scarf and my hat. I still went for the walk, and it was beautiful. The courageous crocus were in bloom...

I love spring flowers in particular the lily of the valley. Its delicate little cups with their curled edges, and the fresh green always make me happy.

I just happened to be staring at the lily of the valley that my littlest pixie had given her father for his birthday, when the knitter in me took over. If spring does not want to come, I'll make spring!
So off I went to my studio, I grabbed a skein of natural cream colored yarn, dyed a smidgeon of fresh green for what will become a hat for babies/toddlers and cute little pixies in general.

So tonight, I'm knitting spring!