My Week in Photos

The exciting news this week in New Mexico is that we saw cold temperatures that haven't been seen here since 1971. Accordingly we had two pipes burst; the first one flooded the lower level of the house (luckily I don't have carpet!) and then the second one burst after the plumber had been here and left. That time only the laundry room was flooded. All in all it was a rather drastic method of cleaning my floors.

In less dramatic news DH bought me a nook for Valentine's Day (the regular not the color because my eyes didn't want a backlit ereader) so I could read library ebooks. I still love my old Kindle 2 (on the right) which I will still use for cookbooks. The Albuquerque library has a nice selection of ebooks but I may also join the Free Library of Philadelphia for their larger collection ($15 a year for out-of-state residents, click the purple download media button to see their ebooks ).


I knit DH another pair of socks. This time I made the Pennant Socks from Charlene Schurch's More Sensational Knitted Socks. I used Elann's Peruvian Highland Sport and size 4 (US) dpns and cast on 60 sts.  And yes, unfortunately, DH wearing socks with sandals is a pretty common occurrence around here

I'm off now to finish my Colors of the Andes socks from Stephanie van der Linden's Around the World in Knitted Socks. I am using colors that remind me of Santa Fe.