My dpns were overflowing my Circular Solution container so I moved some of them to the wider storage sections for needle sizes higher than 8. You can also see my three needle gauges - I have another one but I can't find it. I don't have any needle gauges smaller than size 0 US unfortunately.

Not all needle gauges are trustworthy so I generally measure needles twice in two different needle gauges. I've learned not to assume needles are a specific size when I buy them. I measure them when they arrive and occasionally I've found one needle that is a smaller or a larger size in the package especially in the really small sizes.

I don't usually use wood or bamboo dpns. I have a death grip on the needles and I wouldn't trust them in really small sizes anyway. From bottom to top on the photo:

1. Bernat Aero - by far my favorite dpn and circular needles. Yes the smaller dpns can bend and eventually the grayish coating wears off in places but they are lighter weight and a bit warmer in the hands than other metal dpns. They're only sold through Canadian sources and they're the most inexpensive dpns currently available. They come in sets of four in 6" and 8" lengths at Spin Blessing, Wool-Tyme, and Yarn Forward.

2.Balene - These are very old and I've already broken one unfortunately. I love the tips. Boye currently makes a Balene II version sold in larger sizes by Patternworks but I've never tried them.

3. Some bent Brittany Birches. I gave away all my other wood and bamboo needles to a 13 year old knitter in need of needles.

4. Knitpicks 6" dpns are similar to the Inox steel needles. They are apparently nickel-plated hollow brass. Their web site says they're made to be lighter but they seem heavier than Bernat Aeros. I bought all four sizes and will test them out in my next project.

5. Rhodo-Crystal Nacres are made from plastic coated steel in different colors for each size. They stopped selling them years ago but I'm glad I bought an entire set at Patternworks back then.

6. Pony Pearls are exactly the same as RCN needles except the tip is blunter. Perhaps it isn't so noticeable in the photo but it definitely is when you're trying to do a K2TOG. Patternworks sells Pony Pearls in two lengths - 5 3/4" and 7 3/4".

7. Bryspun have the same lovely tip as my old Balene needles and are made from plastic. I only have this one pair because they're a bit too flexible for my tastes. Patternworks also sells these.

8. Inox Steel - These are the only dpns I can find in sizes smaller than size 0 US (necessary if you're making the Sanquhar gloves). Lacis sells them in an 8" length and they are a bit heavy for my preferences. They're also quite sharp which is great for lace but I make sure I always put them away when not in use for safety reasons. Inox also sells coated gray dpns in the larger sizes.