Here is actual proof I was actually knitting top down, two-needle, double knit, two-color gloves. And because that obviously is not enough - why yes the fingers are knit inside out in this pattern. Why not just hang me up by my toenails and pull all the hair out of my head???

No really it isn't that bad. You get into a nice rhythm with double knitting just like with non-tubular patterns involving slipping stitches but as far as I can tell the fingertips on this glove pattern (Tip-to-Cuff Two Needle Gloves by Beverly Royce in Homespun Handknit) aren't tapered at all. The fingers look normal enough from the front or back as seen above but from the side they look like this:

I thought maybe you did something to fix that when you finished knitting the finger but it doesn't say anything in the pattern.This lack of tapering looks really dorky . I'm not really interested in trying to figure out how to add fingertip decreases to top down double knit two needle stranded color gloves knitted inside out so I'm stopping this latest glove experiment.

As proof that all this focus on gloves is driving me insane, here is my latest Knitpicks order. Normally when I purchase yarn I have some projects in mind but for the life of me I can't remember what I planned to do with these shades of Palette and Merino Style . I'm particularly mystified about what I planned to do with four shades of orange Palette.

I also got two of the new Knitpicks 16" circulars to work on Joyce William's top down gloves from Latvian Dreams. I really like the needles so far - the cables are very flexible and the points are nice.