The Teaching Company is offering a free lecture HERE on Martin Luther King, Jr.

Another glove bites the dust. Despite the fact that DH chose this pattern and the yarn colors, he now says he doesn't like the gloves. I think it is the fit - only the sore thumb gusset feels good on his hand. The pattern was pretty busy as well so it is no great loss.

That is me modeling the glove in the photo. To help make the fingers fit on cuff-to-tip gloves I try them on and start the finger decreases when I am 1/2" from the tip of my finger (or about halfway up the fingernail. In this particular glove I had to make the ring finger longer because DH's ring finger is longer than his index finger.

In top-down gloves I also try on the fingers to get the right length. The bottoms are curling in the photo but I stop knitting when the bottom of the knitted finger reaches the webbing between my fingers. In my case where all my fingers start at a different row, I knit until the bottom of the knitted finger reaches the lowest point between the fingers.

We're having a cold spell. Fortunately we have an official firewood inspector who makes sure each piece of wood entering the house meets her exacting specifications.