I had to say something...

I know I have a knitting blog. But just for amoment, I need to talk about the world that I live in. You all know what I am getting to. I want to say a word about the presidential primaries. No, I am not going to tell you who I like or don't like, because I believe this is a private matter. I just want to share with you my dismay at the fundamentally flawed election process.
I am a resident of Massachusetts, and will be voting in February, knowing the outcome of the primaries for other states. Whether I support the outcome, or disagree with it, I am bound to vote in reaction to it. My vote will not be impartial. It seems many people do not see a problem, and say they are not influenced, but then why would the news be using using words like building on the momentum, and why would political scientists refer to a bandwagon effect?
A truly democratic election would have us all vote on the same day, and would not disclose any results until the last polling booth had closed. Other countries do it, so why can't we?