Fairisle Moth Mittens

Yesterday, the children wanted to go to their favorite hangout, the bookstore, after we were done with school. (We are homeschoolers). Even though, my spinning wheel is a Louet Victoria, and I could just have packed it up and taken it to the bookstore to continue spinnning the roving for the Floral Vest, I decided not to, and instead chose the easy thing.

I picked 2 skeins of contrasting wool yarn, a blue and a green (rather masculine colors), with the idea of knitting mittens while at the bookstore.

During our last visit at the bookstore, a couple days ago, I had looked at the book, All New Homespun Handknit by Amy Clarke Moore and really liked some of the projects in it.

As soon as we got to the bookstore, I bought the book, and started working on the Moth Mittens.

I decided the mittens would be for Mr. SockPixie.

To make the mittens a little more masculine, I opted for a less adorned cuff. Just a two color K2 P2 rib would do for my rugged guy!

I kept the rest of the pattern as directed, except for the inside of the hand where I only knit the plain pattern without the central swirl.

I am almost done with the first mitten, just a few more rounds before the decreases!

If you bought the book, or have made these mittens leave me a comment and if you have a blog, I will go see yours.