Sorry this blog is taking so long to load. I just shrunk today's photos to see if that will help. I don't know if the problem is the new Blogger software, my new computer, or my recent switch from Netscape back to Internet Explorer.

These are the New England socks from Nancy Bush's Knitting on the Road knit with size 0 dpns. I'm not sure the scans do them justice but they really are wonderful to wear. They remind me of kilt hose. I made two changes in the pattern. I've done Nancy Bush's Double Start cast on previously so instead I did the long-tail cast with the yarn for the thumb part of the cast on doubled. You get a nice braided look and the extra thickness makes it quite decorative.

I had to do one less diamond pattern on the socks because I was worried I'd run out of yarn. I used Pingouin's Laine Nylon sock yarn which was discontinued a few years ago. When you wash an item made with Laine Nylon, it becomes really soft and lovely and any tension problems just magically disappear. If I do this pattern again I will lengthen the heel flap and do a wedge toe. I like the star toe but I think the wedge toe would look better with this design.