My Favorite Colorwork Book

Laurie asked me a week or two ago what my favorite colorwork pattern book is.  I think my favorite colorwork pattern book is Nancy Bush's Folk Knitting in Estonia. It definitely is my most abused book as you can see from the photo below.

I think I've knit more items from the book than any other book. I did a little photo montage of some of the projects I've done from the book below - there were more but some were finished long before I had a blog. It seems so weird now to even think of knitting something and not getting photographs of it, doesn't it? Actually most of the images aren't even photographs - when I first started this blog many years ago I didn't have a camera so I just shoved everything in the scanner. You can click on the photo to see a larger version.

Even though I'm probably done knitting the projects, I still consult Folk Knitting in Estonia on a regular basis. She included all sorts of technique goodness like different kinds of braiding and multi-colored cast ons. I keep hoping she does another colorwork book very, very soon.