Yarn Stores in Edgewood

I used to live in Edgewood when I first arrived in the Land of Enchantment but unfortunately there wasn't a single yarn store back then. Edgewood is a small town of less than 2000 in the East Mountains so it is even more surprising than they now have TWO yarn stores.

My first stop was the brand new Edgewood Yarns and Fibers which is in the library building. This store was very warm and friendly and the wonderful ladies even engaged DH in conversation.  They had a section of needlepoint stuff and one woman gave me some great tips on my needlepoint pillow project.

It wasn't huge but I did really like the selection of yarns they had. I definitely recommend checking it out if you're ever in the area.

I bought myself an early birthday present there - some Plymouth Happy Feet sock yarn in my favorite color and some more stitch markers. I have this rule that I won't pay more than $15 for yarn for socks for myself because I wear holes in them so quickly so I was glad the Happy Feet worked for me. (I will spend more on sock yarn for others though - DH's hiking socks can last 10 years so he gets the more expensive stuff.)

Here's Good Fibrations which is behind the dollar store. There was a large table set up with crafters working and the yarns were sorted by color. The store was filled with boxes they were storing for someone until Convergence. The woman working there was teaching someone about weaving at the back of the store so I didn't want to interrupt her to ask if I could take photos. There were some well-priced drop spindles but I decided to wait.

I just found out I can attend the vendor's hall at Convergence at the Albuquerque Convention Center July 18-25 without being a member so I am saving up my money for that. Unfortunately I just purchased a ton of books at Knit Picks' 40% off sale so I am kind of hoping Convergence isn't too tempting. We'll see!