I'm feeling a bit behind on my knitting. I'm working on Merike's gloves from Folk Knitting in Estonia - it will be a slower project than I thought. Thirdly, I want to scan some photos of how I tack down floats since several people asked about that. And finally, I want to knit some 3-D flowers for the Whimsy-along on ASOFlives. So far I've collected a few patterns from my new Furze Hewitt book and from Nicky Epstein's hat book. I believe her book Knitted Embellishments also includes some flowers so I'll get that from the library. Does anyone else know any sources of patterns for knitted flowers? I'd like to add floral tape and wire to them and make a mini-bouquet.

I'll get to all this stuff this week. For today I'll show the multi-directional scarf done in my Easter egg dyed spindle spun mohair. I haven't blocked it yet as you can see.

I've had a few people write me about getting pet rabbits. I highly recommend the House Rabbit Society. Their web site has a listing of chapters and contacts all over the U.S. along with independent rescue groups where you can adopt a rabbit. The advantages of getting a rescued rabbit are many - they are already spayed or neutered and they usually live in home environments so the fosterers can tell you which rabbits get along with small children, cats, or dogs. There are many breeds to choose from including long-haired rabbits such as Angoras. You can also search for specific breeds of rabbits at Petfinder. And if you're in NM, do check out our local rabbit rescue web site, Four Corners Bunnies, which I update. We have the most wonderful rabbit named Rusty who had an awful experience but now is recovered. If I hadn't already chosen Breezy I would have taken Rusty myself.