DH and I are looking into moving across country in the next year or so. When

discussing ways to do it, we decided to do it as simply as possible and to do

it ourselves with a tow-along U-Haul trailer. When we moved here so DH could get

his Ph.D. we got rid of a lot of stuff at that time. I donated most of my

dishes and kitchen stuff from when I was a food writer.

We don't have a lot of furniture and only one vehicle. We'll pay to have our

beloved canoe shipped separately and I think I will ship books (only the

necessary ones obviously) book rate via the UPS. This actually works for us

except for one problem - the yarn. Yikes. I have about 9 Rubbermaid containers

of fiber.

I am looking into vacuum sealers to shrink yarn but may consider shipping my

yarn. This situation does put things in a whole new light though. Trying to figure out what has enough value to pay the price of bringing it a thousand miles puts many of my yarn acquisitions in a new light, especially since I usually only buy yarn on sale. All stash acquisitions of any kind (yarn, patterns, books) are cancelled

until further notice (i.e., after we move). I'm also going to now focus on knitting

up as much of the yarn as possible.

I saw Jeanette the teenage Dale of Norway knitter this weekend at the library. I told

her I'll bring her in a ton of yarn this week. I'm also going to go through and purge

knitting patterns today or tomorrow. I will probably focus more on larger gauge knitting because that more easily uses up large amounts of yarn.

Still no sign of the Cafepress book. It shipped Friday so it should be here

soon. I will have photos of the Birch Leaf lace socks tomorrow.