Entrelac Knitting Pattern #3: A Combination of Stockinette stitch and Gater Stitch

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Entrelac Knitting Patterns

 (Quotes from Entrelac's book by Rosemany Drysdale )
The following is the detailed instructions.

Color key: Color A blue, Color B red, Color C white

Stripe pattern:
Row 1 and 2 Knit with B
Row 3 and 4 Knit with C

Note: When working stripe pat, work 2 rows each color, except for the last row. ALternate colors for the nextt traingle or rectangle
+Cast on 24 stitches (a multiple of 8)

*Row1 (WS) Purl 2, turn.
Row2 (RS) Knit 2, turn.
Row 3 Purl 3, turn.
Row 4 Knit 3, turn.
Row 5 Purl 4, turn.
Row 6 Knit 4, turn.
Row 7 Purl 5, turn.
Row 8 Knit 5, turn.
Row 9 Purl 6, turn.
Row 10 Knit 6, turn.
Row 11 Purl 7, turn.
Row 12 Knit 7, turn.
Row 13 Purl 8, do not turn.
Rep from * for two more triangles -3 base triangles made.

Row 1 (RS) Knit 2, turn.
Row 2 (WS) Knit 2, turn.
Row 3 Inc in first st by knitting into front and back of stitch, slip slip knit , turn.
Row 4 Knit 3, turn.
Row 5 Inc in first, knit 1, slip slip knit , turn.
Row 6 Knit 4, turn.
Row 7 Inc in first, knit 2, slip slip knit , turn.
Row 8 Knit 5, turn.
Row 9 Inc in first, knit 3, slip slip knit , turn.
Row 10 Knit 6, turn.
Row 11 Inc in first, knit 4, slip slip knit , turn.
Row 12 Knit 7, turn.
Row 13 Inc in first, knit 5, slip slip knit ,do not turn.
The RH Corner Triangles is complete. Leave 8 stitches on Rh needle

*Pick-up now (RS) Pick up and knit 8 stitches event ly along edge of next triangle/rectangle, turn.
Row1 (WS) Knit 8, turn.
Row2 Knit 7, slip slip knit (wiith last st of rectangle and first st of next triangle/rectangle),turn.
Row3-16 Rep rows 1 and 2 seven times. Do not turn at end of last row.
Rep from * across row -2 RS
Rectangles have been worked.

Pick-up row (RS) Pick up and k8 sts along edge of last triangle/rectangle, turn.
Row 1 Knit two together, knit 6, turn.
Row 2 Knit 7, turn.
Row 3 Knit two together, knit 5, turn.
Row 4 Knit 6, turn.
Row 5 Knit two together, knit 4, turn.
Row6 Knit 5, turn.
Row 7 Knit two together, knit 3, turn.
Row 8 Knit 4, turn.
Row 9 Knit two together, knit 2, turn.
Row 10 Knit 3, turn.
Row 11 Knit two together, knit 1, turn.
Row 12 Knit 2, turn.
Row 13 Knit two together, do no turn -1stitch remains on RH needle

Pick-up row (RS): Pick up and purl 7 stitches evenly along edge of triangle just worked-8 stitches on RH needle, turn.
*Row1 Knit 8, turn.
Row2 Purl 7, Purl two together(with last st of rectangle and first st of next triangles/rectangle), turn.
Row3-16 Rep rows 1 and 2 seven times. Do not turn.
Next row (WS) Pick up and purl 8 sts evenly along edge of next RS rectangle.
Rep from * across row-3 WS
Rectangles have been worked.

**Work1 RH Corner Triangle
Work1 row of RS rectangles.Do not turn
Work 1 LH Corner Triangle
Work a row of WS Rectangles
Rep from ** to desired length, ending with a LH Corner Triangles complete -1 stitch remains on the RH needle. Do not turn.

*Pick -up row (WS): Pick Up and purl 7 stitches evenly along edge of triangle just worked -8 stitches on RH needle. Turn.
Row 1 (RS) Knit 8, turn.
Row 2 Purl two together, purl 5, purl two together, turn.
Row 3 Knit 7, turn.
Row 4 Purl two together, purl 4, purl two together, turn.
Row 5 Knit6, turn.
Row 6 Purl two together, purl 3, purl two together, , turn.
Row 7 Knit 5, turn.
Row 8 Purl two together, purl 2, purl two together, , turn.
Row 9 Knit 4, turn.
Row 10 Purl two together, purl 1, purl two together, , turn.
Row 11 Knit 3, turn.
Row 12 Purl two together, purl two together, , turn.
Row 13 Knit 2, turn.
Row 14 Purl two together, purl two together, pass 1 stockinette stitch over 2nd stitch-1 stitch remains on RH needle. Do not turn.

Rep from * across row, picking up stitches along edge of rectangle instead of triangle.

Fasten off rem stitch.

Learn how to Slip, slip, Knit (SSK).
Learn how to do the purl 2 together (p2tog)
Knit Two Together (k2tog)

Or please look at the instructions below!

+Cast on 24 sts (a multiple of 8)

*Row1 (WS) p2, turn.
Row2 (RS) k2, turn.
Row3 p3, turn.
Row4 k3, turn.
Row5 p4, turn.
Row6 k4, turn.
Row7 p5, turn.
Row8 k5, turn.
Row9 p6, turn.
Row10 k6, turn.
Row11 p7, turn.
Row12 k7, turn.
Row13 p8, do not turn.
Rep from * for two more triangles -3 base triangles made.

Row1 (RS) k2, turn.
Row2 (WS) k2, turn.
Row3 Inc in first st by knitting into front and back of st, ssk, turn.
Row4 k3, turn.
Row5 Inc in first, k1,ssk, turn.
Row6 k4, turn.
Row7 Inc in first, k2,ssk, turn.
Row 8 k5, turn.
Row9 Inc in first, k3,ssk, turn.
Row10 k6, turn.
Row11 Inc in first, k4,ssk, turn.
Row12 k7, turn.
Row13 Inc in first, k5,ssk,do not turn.
The RH Corner Triangles is complete. Leave 8 sts on Rh needle

*Pick-up now (RS) Pick up and k8 sts event ly along edge of next triangle/rectangle, turn.
Row1 (WS) k8, turn.
Row2 k7, ssk(wiith last st of rectangle and first st of next triangle/rectangle),turn.
Row3-16 Rep rows 1 and 2 seven times. Do not turn at end of last row.
Rep from * across row -2 RS
Rectangles have been worked.

Pick-up row (RS) Pick up and k8 sts along edge of last triangle/rectangle, turn.
Row1 k2tog,k6, turn.
Row2 k7, turn.
Row3 k2tog,k5, turn.
Row4 k6, turn.
Row5 k2tog,k4, turn.
Row6 k5, turn.
Row7 k2tog,k3, turn.
Row8 k4, turn.
Row9 k2tog,k2, turn.
Row10 k3, turn.
Row11 k2tog,k1, turn.
Row12 k2, turn.
Row13 k2tog, do no turn -1st remains on RH needle

Pick-up row (RS): Pick up and p7 sts evenly along edge of triangle just worked-8 sts on RH needle,, turn.
*Row1 k8, turn.
Row2 p7, p2tog (with last st of rectangle and first st of next triangles/rectangle), turn.
Row3-16 Rep rows 1 and 2 seven times. Do not turn.
Next row (WS) Pick up and p8 sts evenly along edge of next RS rectangle.
Rep from * across row-3 WS
Rectangles have been worked.

**Work1 RH Corner Triangle
Work1 row of RS rectangles.Do not turn
Work 1 LH Corner Triangle
Work a row of WS Rectangles
Rep from ** to desired length, ending with a LH Corner Triangles complete -1 st remains on the RH needle. Do not turn.

*Pick -up row (WS): Pick Up and p7 sts evenly along edge of triangle just worked -8 sts on RH needle. Turn.
Row1 (RS) k8, turn.
Row2 p2tog, p5,p2tog, turn.
Row3 k7, turn.
Row4 p2tog, p4, p2tog, turn.
Row5 k6, turn.
Row6 p2tog, p3, p2tog, turn.
Row7 k5, turn.
Row8 p2tog, p2, p2tog, turn.
Row9 k4, turn.
Row10 p2tog, p1, p2tog, turn.
Row11 k3, turn.
Row12 p2tog, p2 tog, turn.
Row13 k2, turn.
Row14 p2tog, p2tog, pass 1st
st over 2nd st-1 st remains on RH needle. Do not turn.

Rep from * across row, picking up sts along edge of rectangle instead of triangle.

Fasten off rem st.