Square round pattern is quite ideal for a simply scarf

I learned to knit a few years ago but had not done much with it. Basically just scarfs. Square round knitting pattern  is an  inexhaustible inspiration to me.
I stuck at it until I realize it was in dark.

-This stitch is not reversible; there is a right side and wrong side
-Any contrasting colors in this row are slip stitches.  On the second row of each ridge, knit the stitches that were knit in the last row and slip the stitches that were slipped in the last row. All slipped stitches are slipped purl wise.
If you have questions you can comment here and I'll do my best to answer.

Size, materials: Not important. It’s a simply scarf. As you wish. You should use soft and small yarns.  I used this yarn to knit a scarf. It was made from China.

Begin with color A. Cast on 421 stitches (multiple of 12 + 1)
Row 1, color A: K all
Row 2, color A: K all
Row 3, color B: SL1,  *K10, SL1, K8,SL1, rep*
Row 4, color B: SL1, *K8, SL1, K10, SL1, rep*
Row 5, color A: K1, *SL1, K8, SL1, K1, SL1, K6, SL1, K1, Rep*
Row 6, color B: K1, *SL1, K6, SL1, K1, SL1, K8, SL1, K1, Rep*
Row 7: Rep row 3
Row 8: Rep row 4
Row 9 color A: K all
Row 10 color A: K all.

Square round:

Row 11+ 12color C: SL1, *K11, SL1, rep*
Row 13 + 14 color A: K1, *SL1, K9, SL1, K1, rep*
Row 15 + 16 color C: Sl1, *K1, SL1, K7, SL1, K1, SL1, rep*
Row 17 + 18 color A: K1, *SL1, K1, SL1, K5, SL1, K1, SL1, K1, rep*
Row 19 + 20 color C: SL1 *K1, SL1, K1, SL1, K3, SL1, K1, SL1, K1, SL1, rep*
Row 21 +22 color A: K1, *SL1, K1, rep*
Row 23 +24, rep 19 +20.
Row 25 +26, rep 17 +18
Row 27 +28, rep 15 +16
Row 29 +30, rep 13 +14
Row 31 +32, rep 11+ 12.

Then rep row 1 -> Row 10.

The result is as following.

It's awfully long^^