I've been trying to decide what to knit for Peaches' former mom. I've already knit her some rabbit socks and she has a bunnies and carrots hat so I'll have to come up with something else. Debby is the blonde woman holding various rabbits in all the photos of Best Friend's Great Bunny Rescue. Peaches lived with her about a year and a half and she named her Breezy before I got around to adopting her. I've sent her tons of photos of Miss Peaches and a Peaches mug but knowing how tirelessly she's been working lately in Nevada I want to send her something beautiful as a thank you. Maybe I'll make her some gloves.

The rescue is going well - they've adopted out their first rabbit and have 20 more applications for adoptions. Also, a rescue group wants to take 300 of the rabbits. Current estimates put the total number of rescued rabbits up to 1500.