Here is a photo of my second house rabbit, Snickerdoodle, shown with some rabbit socks knit from a Blackberry Ridge Farm pattern. I don't remember which yarn I used - I gave the socks to a friend responsible for us adopting Flip from the House Rabbit Society. Snickerdoodle and Flip hate each other so have separate territories in the house. Flip has the second bedroom which also houses all my crafts supplies and Snickerdoodle has the rest of the house. I have to watch them both around my knitting stuff. Flip enjoys sticking his nose in baskets of fleece and ripping up knitting patterns and Snickerdoodle was caught once trying to eat a tatted snowflake. But his worst transgression by far was chewing on the edge of my signed copy of Alice Starmore's out-of-print and very valuable In the Hebrides.

Still haven't quite finished the main pattern on the Sirdal cardigan - I really can't wait to be finished with this sweater. I should probably order the buttons today. More Norwegian Knitting Resources tomorrow...