I finally got out the alpaca fiber I have been meaning to work on. Several years ago I received two alpaca fleeces free from Marcie at DFK Ranch because they were full of VM (vegetable material). After taking them out to the porch and discarding about three-quarters of each fleece I found there was still a good amount I could work with. So far I have one skein spun and plyed and a bobbin spun on my Ashford Traveler wheel. Last night I used a dog comb and combed out (over a garbage can because there's still a lot of hay pieces and burrs) some more gray alpaca in preparation for spinning. I also have a smaller amount of black alpaca fleece and some brown alpaca fleece I bought last year at Taos Wool Festival . I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with it all.

Another thing I did yesterday was to bring all my knitting books into the living room instead of in the closet in Flip the black rabbit's room. Now they're nearer my work space and my computer and will help me more. I am currently waiting for the new Nancie Wiseman book on finishing techniques.

And finally, I joined the Productive Spinners mailing list where each member lists and updates their progress on three fiber goals. In reading through recent messages I've found a lot of good ideas to help me get more done.