
Ana from the Norgeknit mailing list is working on the Ringblomst (Norwegian for marigold) sweater. I did mine in black, white and gray Nature Spun sport weight yarn to make it a bit lighter but I still don't wear it often enough. It was really fun to make although I found a few minor mistakes in the chart. You can find the errata for Ringblomst listed HEREcourtesy of Flor.

The bottom of my Sirdal cardigan was rolling a bit so I blocked it a bit last night by getting it wet. I don't know if it was really necessary to do at this point or if I'm just putting off finishing the "dreaded boring part" of the pattern. On patterns with hems such as Dale of Norway's Sirdal and Ringblomst and some of the SLC 2002 variations, I always knit the hems in while I'm knitting. Basically you just knit to the point where you get to an equal distance from the fold (usually done in a picot K2, YO row or just plain purling) and then you knit one stitch of the cast on edge together with the stitch on the left needle. Flor has pictures of this process at her helpful web site HERE. You need to make sure that you knit this hemmed row loosely and that you don't end up skewing the hem to the right or the left if you're not picking up the corresponding stitch from the cast on edge.

Still enjoying St. Enda. I've decided I will make one of the Alice Starmore wraps to use to drape over the couch. I was looking at the two in Aran Knitting but I will also check Beyond the Hebrides since I think there are a few wrap patterns in there. This weekend I received my order of Tudor Roses and I am enjoying browsing through it.