I forgot to add that I want to make a pair of gloves on size 0 needles in the Regia self-patterning yarn Jeanette gave me. Jeanette is 16 and a tremendously talented knitter. Three years ago she was sitting next to me at Thanksgiving dinner and asked to learn. I taught her to cast on and knit and she just took off. Her second project was socks and then a mohair cabled twin set from Vogue Knitting. She made herself a gorgeous Dale of Norway Mt. Rose sweater and is now making tons of socks on two circular needles. I'll put some photos of her knitting on this blog next week.

My other fiber goal is to teach the abovementioned Jeanette to spin either with a spindle or on my wheel. And Jeanette if you're reading this blog, I'm waiting impatiently for my Norwegian socks you're making me from Nancy Bush's Folk Socks. They are going to be gorgeous with incredible colors.