Do you have a knitting fantasy wish list? I'm talking about things you will probably never have for various reasons. I do enjoy dreaming about all these things though.

1. A copy of Alice Starmore's Pacific Coast Highway for under $50. It is the only remaining AS book I want. There are a few sweaters I'd like to make from it but I actually saw it for $575 online yesterday.

2. A Rio Grande great wheel from Weaving Southwest. These spinning wheels are so gorgeous and I've touched them and seen them demonstrated. Alas, they are way too big for any house I'll ever live in.

3. The Virtual Yarns yarn kit for Lismore. I'm not sure I'll ever fork over that much for a sweater kit even though it is gorgeous.

4. Enough cashmere yarn for an entire sweater - maybe even something cabled.

5. Silk worms to raise my own silk. I am fascinated by insects and love the concept of raising my own (this is discussed a lot in Spin-Off) but know I'd hate all the work involved.

6.. A Patrick Green drum carder - I don't even know why as I don't buy whole fleeces anymore.

Now that I've listed those fantasies, I'll let you in on a little secret. I'm already living my knitting/fiber fantasy. I live in a terrific passive solar house with quiet and privacy along with killer views. I sit on my couch and look at the view out the windows and knit and spin to my heart's content. My husband is a wonderful and loving man who enables my fiber fantasies and doesn't even mind if I'm too busy knitting to cook dinner. I have zillions of wonderful knitting books and fiber tools and too much yarn. I know I'm blessed to be able to indulge my passion so fully.

Here's a close-up of the Malin sleeve.