I saw Jeanette the knitting wunderkind today in the parking lot of the bank. She states she is making the Spontaneous Scarf in green and is going to email me some photos of her knitting to post in this blog. She is also working on a fringed Latvian mitten kit in Satakieli yarn from Finland.

I want to knit a shawl for my mother. She still oohs and ahhs over a horrible garter stitch shawl I made her from Wool Ease many years ago. I think I'm going to go to make the Lucy Neatby Fir Tree Shawl without the tassel but I am still looking for other possibilities. I also want to order some yarn for Na Craga for DH. And yes, I did manage to order Ron Schweitzer's Appalachian Portraits despite my best efforts not to buy more knitting stuff.