Fair Isle Socks

Although I'm not a knitting designer , I do read the KnitDesign Yahoogroups list. They are currently having a discussion on the lack of good yarns currently available for colorwork or Aran designs. I am ordering more from overseas locations because yarn stores in the U.S. seem to be focusing more and more on novelty yarns and bulky yarns and self-patterning yarns. I guess basic yarn lines with wide color ranges are a thing of the past.

I really really wish I could spin (and ply) a more uniform yarn so I could produce my own yarn weights and colors. My handspun yarn still is quite exotic looking. I've watched a few videos to try to do better (an Ashford and a Judith Mackenzie video rented from Village Wools) but I suspect it just takes more practice and effort on my part. I'm better on the spindle than I am on the wheel.

Here are some fair isle socks from a variety of yarns - the main color is Froehlich Blauband.